Meal Charging Procedure

File EFC-R: M.S.A.D. NO. 75 Meal Charging Procedure

M.S.A.D. No. 75 believes that the School Nutrition Program plays an important role in helping our students succeed in school. Proper nutrition is not only essential for growing bodies but also assists students in reaching their full potential in academics. The District’s intent is to ensure that the learning process is not impeded in any way for students who are hungry due to not having a proper breakfast or lunch. The National School Lunch Program provides the District with funding for families who may be eligible for free or reduced-cost meals.

First and foremost, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to make sure that his/her child has access to proper nutrition either by means of completing a free/reduced form, sending in monies, or sending the student with food each day. For students who are not eligible for free lunch, the District expects that meals will be either pre-paid by putting monies on student lunch accounts or will be paid for at the time of service.


When circumstances prevent a student from paying for a meal at the time of purchase, the following rules apply:

The student will be allowed to charge a meal approved by the National School Lunch Program provided that the student’s total lunch charges do not exceed $20. Meals will be charged to a student’s lunch account, and these charges are expected to be paid back in a timely manner.

Should a student’s meal charges reach $20.00 or more, he/she will be offered an alternate meal until the debt can be resolved. This alternate meal will include all components necessary to meet the National School Lunch Guidelines. There will be no charge for the alternate meal.

Charging Procedures

A-la-cart items may NOT be charged.

Only meals can be charged.

At the elementary schools, a student who buys just milk because he/she has brought a meal from home must pay the full customary price for the milk. This is true even if the student participates in the free or reduced-cost meal program. Students participating in that program are approved for the meal only and cannot choose to receive just milk. They must get the meal in order for it to qualify under the free/reduced-cost meal program.

Parents who do not wish to accrue charges can ask that their child not be allowed to have charging privileges. The parent/guardian must send an e-mail or a written note to the Food Services Director stating this. Otherwise they consent to paying for any meal charges incurred by their child.

The parent/guardian is responsible for keeping track of their child’s charges and to be in touch with Food Services. Parents/guardians can view their child’s account on the MySchoolBucks link on the Food Services web page on the District’s web site.

Billing Procedures

Bills for $10.00 or more are sent home in backpacks.

Bills higher than $20.00 are mailed home by the Food Services Director.
If there is no resolution within two weeks, the Food Services Director will call home to discuss charges and options.

If there is still no resolution within two weeks after the phone call, the principal, counselor, or social worker may contact the parents/guardians.

The District feels strongly about supporting students’ needs within the school day, and access to food is no exception.

All lunch personnel will handle situations with as much privacy and respect as possible.

FIRST REVIEW: June 26, 2014
SECOND REVIEW: July 10, 2014

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