Transportation News

Mission Statement: The Transportation Department’s support role in the school district is to provide safe, comfortable, reliable and timely student transportation to school, home from school, and to extra-curricular events. It is the primary goal of the school bus driver to provide a transportation environment in which students, staff and parents feel safe and secure.

MSAD 75 Bus Rules: Students being transported are under the authority of the School Bus Driver and MSAD 75. To promote their safety and well being, the following rules are to be followed:

  • Be at their bus stop and be ready for pick-up five - ten minutes before the bus is due.

  • Stand at a safe distance back from the curb or highway and line up single file, facing the street, when the bus approaches.

  • Wait for the Driver to motion you across the street when it is safe to cross, and walk in front of the bus by at least ten feet.

  • Do as the Bus Driver says and obey the Driver’s instructions.

  • Always use steps and handrails, and never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.

  • Always remain properly seated at all times while the bus is moving, Your bottom stays on the bus seat, your back stays on the seat back.

  • Never stand, except to exit the bus at your bus stop, and remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.

  • Never throw anything on the bus or out the bus window, or extend hands, arms, heads or objects through bus windows.

  • Talk in normal tones; screaming and yelling are prohibited, voice levels are a 0,1,2.

  • No Eating of food, drink or chewing gum allowed while riding the School Bus.

  • Students will sit in their assigned seat on the Bus.

  • No Laptops, No pictures, Electronics can be used with permisson only.

  • Backpacks on Laps.

  • Follow the Drivers directions exactly and immediately.

Riding a school bus is a privilege and should be treated as such. Bus rules are for the safety of all those who ride the bus. Students who refuse to obey these stated rules may forfeit their privilege to ride the school bus.

Bus Disciplinary Action: Parental assistance in discussing appropriate and safe behavior is appreciated. Unfortunately, failure to behave appropriately can result in loss of school bus privileges. For a significant or recurring problem, the disciplinary procedure will be as follows:

  1. The Driver will verbally warn a student, specifiying the rule and assigning a seat if deemed necessary. A report of the warning will be documented with Transportation.

  2. The School Bus Driver will speak to the student and document the behavior through the official behavior forms in the Transportation Office. The School will contact parents of the students whose behavior is at issue. Drivers will keep a record of any conversations with parents.

  3. The Driver will meet with School Administration with all documentation. The School will address the bus misconduct via a variety of disciplinary options, including but not limited to detention, in school suspension, suspension of bus riding priviledges or other acceptable means. The school will contact the parents.

  4. If the behavior continues the Driver will again meet with School Administration to develop a plan for the student to re-instate safe riding practices. The Transportation Director may also become involved at this point. The school will contact the parents.

  5. If further disciplinary action is needed the incidents will be reviewed by the Transportation Director and the School Administration and may lead to suspension from the school bus for a designated period of time. Parents will be contacted.

Severe Disruptions
The following inappropriate behaviors are examples of why a driver may return  to the school of origin and request administration assistance and/or police intervention. School Bus Drivers should address behaviors at the lowest level of student management.
1. Physical Harm to Self or other Student
2. Property Damage
3. Total Disruption of the school bus
4. The use of alcohol, drugs or smoking devices, including vapes
5. Active threat

The safety of our School Bus Drivers is important to us.  In the event of any Physical harm or threat to or offensive contact with the school bus driver, the student's priviledges to ride district transportation may be suspended upon investigation of the incident.  No prior warning or disciplinary action is neccessary in this case.


Step 1. The Driver will verbally warn the student, specifying the rule and assigning a seat if deemed necessary.
Step 2. The Driver will meet with the school administration if behavior continues with proper documentation.
Step 3. If behavior continues student may lose privileges to ride on the late bus.

Disciplinary action concerning the late bus will not affect a student's opportunity for transportation on a regular buses. However, suspension from the regular bus also includes suspension from the late run.

  1. Should you have any concerns regarding the transportation operation, feel free to call Katy DiCara at 207-729-1608 ext 1201.

Please help your child learn the route number or color of his/her bus. Please see Transportation files on the additional tab.

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